Today, the problems experienced in the gastrointestinal tract are increasing more and more, and every day a new one is added to the problems in the intestines. Ulcerative colitis, which has been diagnosed and treated for many years, is also one of the increasing intestinal system disorders. Ankara Dr. serving in the diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative colitis. Meral Sözen also notes that caution should be exercised against the increasingly increasing ulcerative colitis condition. Ulcerative colitis, the frequency of which is increasing every day, can cause colon cancer in the future. Therefore, what is ulcerative colitis, what are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, why does ulcerative colitis occur, how to diagnose ulcerative colitis and how does ulcerative colitis go, you can find the answers to many questions in this content, and Dr. You can also see Meral Sözen's approach to ulcerative colitis disease.
What is Ulcerative Colitis?
Inflammation of the large intestine, followed by wound formation, is considered ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis, which can occur due to many factors, has a serious negative impact on a person's life and suppresses a person both psychologically and sociologically.
Ulcerative colitis, known for its similarity to Crohn's disease, occurs only in the large intestine. Ulcerative colitis, a lower digestive tract disorder whose cause is not known for sure, may also involve the entire large intestine, although it is more likely to occur in the last parts of the large intestine.
Ulcerative colitis, a member of the inflammatory bowel diseases group, is similar to other diseases with its symptoms, but its distinction can be made very easily during examinations.
What Are the Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?
Although ulcerative colitis has common symptoms with other diseases in terms of symptoms, it can also be easily separated due to the fact that it is chronic.
- Diarrhea with bleeding
- Breech discharge
- Fire
- Weight loss
- Abdominal pain
- Indefinite weakness and fatigue
- Anemia
- Joint pain
- A number of wounds on the skin
Ulcerative colitis, which has many symptoms such as burning inside the eye, can manifest itself with “chronic diarrhea attacks” after certain meals or drinks.
What Causes Ulcerative Colitis?
Inflammation of the large intestine and the formation of bleeding wounds are known as ulcerative colitis. The causes of ulcerative colitis, in which improper nutrition and genetic factors are highly effective, may vary from person to person, as well as environmental factors cause differences in the incidence of the disease. For example, according to many studies, it has been found that ulcerative colitis is more common in fast-moving consumer societies such as the USA and in cities where industry is heavy. The reason for this is that people are more exposed to heavy metals and the consumption of processed food plays a role in responding to inflammation in the intestine of these patients.
In general, the causes of ulcerative colitis include genetic factors, certain viral infections, environmental factors, and factors related to nutrition. Decongestants are the most common causes of ulcerative colitis.
Some factors, on the other hand, accelerate the frequency of attacks in patients or the emergence of the disease.
For example;
- Harmful habits such as alcohol and smoking
- Stress
- Pregnancy
- Infectious diseases & immune system diseases
- Drug use
- Consumption of too much spicy food can be counted.
How is Ulcerative Colitis Treated?
Ulcerative colitis, which has become chronic, is a disease that cannot be cured definitively, and is a disease that can be cured by minimizing the disease by reducing its symptoms. Stool examination, blood tests and colonoscopy are sufficient for the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, which gives similar symptoms to many intestinal diseases. If ulcerative colitis is thought to be present during the colonoscopy, biopsies are taken and sent to the pathology. If ulcerative colitis has been diagnosed, it is necessary to look at the underlying factors and plan treatment according to these factors.
Taking into account the course and severity of the disease, appropriate drug therapy is started for the patient. If the effects still persist when medications are taken breech or by mouth, the patient may need to be hospitalized, and medications are administered intravenously. If the effects of ulcerative colitis still cannot be reduced, surgical intervention may be required. However, surgical intervention is considered at the very last stage.
Dr . How About Beating Ulcerative Colitis with Meral Sözen?
If you suffer from ulcerative colitis, which negatively affects the course of life, we are waiting for you if you want to be treated or continue your life smoothly by streamlining your current treatment!
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