- Gastritis
- Functional Dyspepsia
- Stomach Ulcers
- Stomach Cancer Screening
- What is Gastritis?
- What Are the Symptoms of Gastritis?
- How Is Gastritis Diagnosed?
- How Should Nutrition Be in Patients With Gastritis?
- What Drugs Are Used for Gastritis?
- How Long Does Gastritis Treatment Take?
- Will Gastritis Heal Completely?
- What Are Herbal Treatments for Gastritis Treatment?
- Does Gastritis Make You Nauseous?
- What Are the Types of Gastritis?
- Does Gastritis Turn into Cancer?
- Is The Onset of an Ulcer the Same As Gastritis?
- Does Gastritis Affect the Intestine?
- Functional Dyspepsia
- What is Functional Dyspepsia?
- So When Should We Be Afraid of Stomach Pain?
- Stomach Ulcer
- What is a Stomach Ulcer?
- What Are the Symptoms of a Stomach Ulcer?
- What Are the Factors That Cause Stomach Ulcers?
- How is a Stomach Ulcer Diagnosed?
- How to Treat a Stomach Ulcer?
- Is Herbal Treatment Used for Stomach Wound?
- What Should Be the Diet for a Stomach Ulcer?
- Does a Stomach Wound Turn into Cancer?
- Stomach Cancer
- How Does Stomach Cancer Develop?
- What Are the Risk Factors That Cause the Development of Stomach Cancer?
- How Is Stomach Cancer Diagnosed?
- How is Stomach Cancer Treated?
- What Should Be Done to Prevent Stomach Cancer?
What is Gastritis?
Gastritis in the general sense is an inflammatory reaction of the stomach wall that develops for various reasons. The symptoms of gastritis, which are common in society, differ from person to person. Because of this difference, patients are looking for solutions to their problems by visiting doctors. Dr. Meral Sözen, who serves in the field of gastroenterology in Ankara, wrote in this article “ What are the symptoms of gastritis?”,“ How is gastritis diagnosed?”, “How should nutrition be in patients with gastritis?”, “What drugs are used in gastritis?”, “How long does the treatment of gastritis last?”, “Does gastritis heal completely?", “What are herbal treatments for gastritis treatment?”, “Does gastritis make you nauseous?”, “What are the types of gastritis?”, “Does gastritis turn into cancer?”, “Is the onset of an ulcer the same as gastritis?”, “Does gastritis turn into cancer?” he will answer your questions.
What Are the Symptoms of Gastritis?
Although it varies from person to person, there may be pain that increases with hunger, burning in the stomach, indigestion, bloating, a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach, belching, bad breath.
How Is Gastritis Diagnosed?
After listening to the complaints of the patients and performing a physical examination, tests are performed for metabolic diseases and whether there are stomach germs that can cause this. The treatment method to be followed varies depending on the severity and duration of the complaints. While endoscopic examination is generally not recommended for short-term complaints, endoscopy should be planned in patients who do not respond to medication that does not improve with nutritional recommendations and lifestyle changes, or who have a family history of cancer at an advanced age, as the complaints become more frequent in the future. Endoscopically, the walls of the gastritis are redder and swollen than normal. In this case, a biopsy should be performed to determine the factor that will cause this gastritis.
How Should Nutrition Be in Patients With Gastritis?
A diet list consisting of prohibitions that patients with gastritis should constantly follow in the long term is not given. However, nutritional recommendations can be made that will allow the stomach to rest comfortably for a short period of time. Habits such as smoking and alcohol increase excessive stress complaints.
What Drugs Are Used for Gastritis?
In the treatment of gastritis, treatments aimed at the underlying cause are applied. For example, antibiotic therapy is applied in gastritis due to a stomach microbe called Helicobacter pylori, while gastric acid-suppressing treatments are applied in gastritis that is not accompanied by a microbe. If it is accompanied by atrophic gastritis, we avoid treatments that suppress stomach acid. In other words, this situation varies from patient to patient, and treatment is organized individually.
How Long Does Gastritis Treatment Take?
The duration, frequency and severity of the patient's complaints play an active role in determining the duration of treatment. That is why this decision should be made individually.
Will Gastritis Heal Completely?
Recovery in acute gastritis is usually rapid, while complete recovery may be later in patients with chronic gastritis. Underlying factors and other accompanying risk factors play an important role in the recovery process.
What Are Herbal Treatments for Gastritis Treatment?
While many treatments are spread among the right in the form of hearsay information, Decently dosed drugs accompanied by scientific data are more effective than herbal treatments.
Does Gastritis Make You Nauseous?
Nausea is one of the common findings in individuals with gastritis. The frequency of nausea increases, especially with certain foods. Nausea is more common in acute gastritis.
What Are the Types of Gastritis?
Gastritis is divided into different groups according to the duration of onset, location and underlying cause. According to the initial process, acute and chronic gastritis are divided into, while antral gastritis, pangastritis, etc. are divided according to the location. If we evaluate according to the underlying cause, it can be distinguished as atrophic gastritis, autoimmune gastritis, helicobacter pylori gastritis, etc.
Does Gastritis Turn into Cancer?
Not all gastritis turns into cancer. However, in genetically predisposed individuals, the risk of lymphoma increases in gastritis due to helicobacter pylori. In addition, cellular changes on the basis of atrophic gastritis can be transformed into cancer.
Is The Onset of an Ulcer the Same As Gastritis?
The beginning of an ulcer is a phrase created in order for the public to easily understand the situation, and it means that there is very intense gastritis, there are small irritations from time to time.
Does Gastritis Turn into Cancer?
In the presence of dysplasia in atrophic gastritis, the likelihood of developing cancer has increased compared to the normal population.
Does Gastritis Affect the Intestine?
By the term gastritis refers to the inflammatory reaction limited to the stomach. However, when there is a problem anywhere in the digestive system, other parts are affected from here. In addition, pain caused by the digestive system can be confused with each other's pain because it is carried through the same nerve transmission system. Differential diagnosis should be made by evaluating the accompanying problems here.
Functional Dyspepsia
We often meet around us, “doctor, I went to the doctor, I couldn't find a solution to these stomach complaints,“ I was examined many times, various tests were performed and treatments were given, but the complaints did not go away, the patient group suffering from these problems ... mostly followed by the following statements, “they said it was psychological, what does it have to do with psychology and stomach pain ...” This situation goes on like this.
Functional dyspepsia is a condition in which there are burning, pain, indigestion, bloating and reflux-like symptoms in the upper abdomen without an underlying organic pathology (that is, it cannot be detected by the tests we do). In these patients, many tests are performed, including radiography of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes different causes are detected, but the patient does not benefit from the treatment given, and in this case, functional dyspepsia should come to mind.
What is Functional Dyspepsia?
Functional dyspepsia is characterized by pain, burning, abdominal pain, indigestion, ulcer-like pain in the area that fits the stomach, which persists for a long time without an underlying pathology in the tests performed.
The most common questions that patients with functional dyspepsia ask are:
- The cause of my stomach pain has not been found, will I always live with stomach pain?
- Even if I drink water, I swell up like a drum, what should I do?
- I was writhing with stomach pain, I went to the doctor because I had a stomach ulcer, he said there was nothing wrong, and the doctor sent me back. Now what should I do?
- What should I do to relieve my stomach pain?
- I haven't seen any benefit in medications, what is good for my stomach pain?
If you are saying these words, you are most likely suffering from functional dyspepsia. This condition is usually explained by the increased sensitivity of the stomach to stomach acid and the effect of psychological factors on the digestive system. In this case, a number of drugs that reduce organ sensitivity are added to the treatment of patients. In addition, patients are advised to resort to methods related to coping with psychological stress.
So When Should We Be Afraid of Stomach Pain?
Status continuum if it is stomach pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, stomach pain shoots back, waking up from sleep at night if stomach pain, stomach pain, significant weakening in this case, you should contact your doctor without delay.
In patients admitted with complaints of stomach pain in Ankara, first of all, the history of the disease and evaluation are performed. People who complain of stomach pain may not necessarily need to have an endoscopy, but it should be decided whether to have an endoscopy with the examination and examinations performed. The majority of stomach diseases are accompanied by stomach pain. The cause of stomach pain can be a simple gastritis, as well as stomach cancer.
Dr. Meral Sözen, who has seen and treated thousands of patients with stomach pain, resistant stomach pain in Ankara, is waiting to treat stomach pain patients in her practice to share this knowledge. There are many patients who apply to state hospitals in Ankara with stomach pain, and patients also apply to other state hospitals with stomach pain, thinking that there is no definitive solution to their complaints. Many patients are also being treated with stomach pain in private hospitals in Ankara.
Stomach Ulcer
Its frequency is quite frequent in society, and it is quite easy to diagnose and treat a stomach ulcer, which 5-10% of people suffer from at some time in their lives. Dr. Meral Sözen in this article “What is a stomach ulcer?", “What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer?”, “What are the factors that cause stomach ulcers?”, “How is a stomach ulcer diagnosed?”, “How to treat a stomach ulcer?”, “Is herbal treatment used for a stomach wound?”, “How should the diet be for a stomach ulcer?”, “Does a stomach wound turn into cancer?” you can find the answer to your questions. There are many hospitals in Ankara where people are admitted due to stomach ulcers. Ankara stomach ulcer treatment is performed in public hospitals as well as in Ankara private hospitals and practices.
What is a Stomach Ulcer?
Disruption of tissue integrity along with irritation of the surface layer located in the stomach wall is called a stomach ulcer. Gastric ulcer is characterized by the appearance of complaints due to irritation of the tissue.
What Are the Symptoms of a Stomach Ulcer?
The complaints of our patients vary according to the region where the stomach ulcer is located. The most common symptom is pain in the stomach and burning in the stomach. They can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weight loss, black-colored defecation and diarrhea. In case of progression of the disease, symptoms such as bloody vomiting and severe abdominal pain due to perforation of the stomach, blood pressure drop, sweating, chills, fever may occur. In this case, it may result in death if the patient is not intervened very urgently.
What Are the Factors That Cause Stomach Ulcers?
There are two groups of factors involved in the development of ulcers. There are constantly developing events against each other in the stomach. Protective mechanisms of the stomach while trying to protect the stomach, opposing factors cause stomach irritation. It continues in equilibrium under normal conditions. However, a deficiency in protective factors or an increase in aggressive factors causes ulcers in the stomach. Among the protective factors, frequent regeneration of cells in the stomach wall, regular and good blood flow to these cells, a number of substances secreted from the stomach and the protective layer on the surface of the stomach can be Deciphered. Aggressive factors; the drugs we use, alcohol, smoking, eating habits, helicobacter pylori, known as the stomach microbe, can be counted.
How is a Stomach Ulcer Diagnosed?
Some of the patients with stomach pain have stomach ulcers. Pain, burning in the stomach during the history of the disease, these complaints become more frequent and wake us up from sleep at night, which sometimes leads us to suspect a stomach ulcer if weight loss is added to them. Increasing pain when pressure is applied on the stomach during the examination is another of the symptoms of a stomach ulcer. The most reliable method for diagnosing a stomach ulcer is endoscopy. During the endoscopy, direct information is obtained about the location and size of the stomach ulcer. In addition to these, a biopsy is taken from the ulcer and information about the cause is obtained.
How to Treat a Stomach Ulcer?
After a stomach ulcer is detected, treatment should be directed at the cause. If there is an underlying helicobacter pylori, antibiotic treatments should be used. In addition to these, for the healing of the stomach wall, it should be used in a group of drugs that reduce irritation by covering the surface of the wall, as well as drug treatments that suppress stomach acid.
Is Herbal Treatment Used for Stomach Wound?
Although there are many herbal treatment recommendations that allow stomach ulcers to heal, the treatment of all stomach ulcers, including in these treatments, continues under the control of a doctor. If herbal treatments are used for stomach ulcers, the patient's concomitant disease treatments may be disrupted and the patient may suffer more damage from this.
What Should Be the Diet for a Stomach Ulcer?
Fast food-style foods that will increase stomach acid should be avoided in the diet treatment of stomach ulcers. Alcohol and smoking can delay the healing of stomach ulcers. During this process, foods that take a long time to digest should be avoided in order to reduce the workload of the stomach.
Does a Stomach Wound Turn into Cancer?
Stomach cancers can start as a wound in the stomach. In patients who are not treated for stomach ulcers for a long period of time, cellular changes may occur with the persistence of irritation. As a rule, for every patient with a stomach ulcer, the endoscopy procedure should be repeated after treatment to check whether the healing is complete.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer is the 4th most common cancer worldwide. it is ranked 2nd in terms of frequency of death. Is ranked. With early diagnosis and treatment, the life expectancy and quality of life of patients increase. There are many centers working on stomach cancer in Ankara. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important in patients with suspected stomach cancer. The lost time period can lead to the progression of the disease. Dr . Meral Sözen in this article “How does stomach cancer develop?", “What are the risk factors that cause the development of stomach cancer?”, “how is stomach cancer diagnosed?”, “How to treat stomach cancer?”, “What should be done to protect against stomach cancer?” he will answer your questions.
How Does Stomach Cancer Develop?
The layer we call the mucosa, which is located on the inner surface of the stomach, has a November layer on the outside and a connective tissue layer around it. In addition to these, there are cells belonging to the immune system. The cells in our body renew themselves at December intervals. If this cell proliferation gets out of control due to the influence of genetic or external factors in this regeneration process, cancer formation is mentioned in this tissue. The origin of cancer varies depending on the origin of the cell that multiplies uncontrollably. Stomach cancers most often originate from the inner surface, which we call the mucosa. Gastric cancers arising from the mucosa most often occur in the form of stomach ulcers.
What Are the Risk Factors That Cause the Development of Stomach Cancer?
Genetic factors play an important role in the development of stomach cancer. In individuals with stomach cancer in their family, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases compared to normal society. If he has stomach cancer in his family, the answer to the question of whether stomach cancer necessarily develops is no. Apart from some genetic diseases, having stomach cancer in the family increases the risk, but this condition can be prevented when environmental factors are corrected and scans are performed. Alcohol, smoking, consumption of smoked food, helicobacter pylori infection and eating habits increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. In addition, the incidence of stomach cancer has increased in obese individuals and patients with concomitant cancer disease. In some societies, stomach cancer is more common due to eating habits.
How Is Stomach Cancer Diagnosed?
The necessary assessment should be made in individuals with pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, premature satiety, bloody vomiting, weight loss. When endoscopy is performed, a lesion that may develop due to a stomach ulcer is observed in these patients, more often in the form of an ulcer in the stomach. Biopsies taken from here show us which cell origin stomach cancer is caused by. When stomach cancer is detected, methods such as computed tomography, PET CT, endoscopic ultrasonography can be used to assess the spread of cancer. Sa.
How is Stomach Cancer Treated?
Treatment for stomach cancer varies depending on the spread of cancer. For example, even endoscopic treatments are effective in patients who have spread only to the inner surface layer of the stomach, while patients who have spread to the stomach wall but have not spread to other organs can recover with gastric surgery. However, when it comes to spreading to other organs, chemotherapy and radiotherapy protocols come into play and the quality of life decreases with the lengthening of the treatment period.
What Should Be Done to Prevent Stomach Cancer?
In order to protect against stomach cancer, it is necessary to avoid harmful habits such as consuming healthy foods, alcohol, smoking. When Helicobacter Pylori infection is detected during the doctor's consultation, treatment should be given. Those who have a family history of stomach cancer should have stomach cancer screening by endoscopy 10 years before the age at which stomach cancer is detected. Even if there is no stomach cancer in the family, endoscopy screening for stomach cancer should be recommended after the age of 50.