Gas pain, aka intestinal gas, is a problem that has happened to everyone at least once nowadays. “Intestinal gas”, which is mostly ignored and Decried as “I must have a cold”, is one of the most common symptoms of many diseases. Intestinal gas, a problem that many people “complain” about at almost some time in their lives, is caused by bacteria in the intestines. The intestinal gas complaint that the gastroenterology department deals with is referred to Dr. Meral Sözen approaches from many different perspectives and reshapes the causes, symptoms and treatments of intestinal gas according to this approach. Intestinal gas causes how to prevent, symptoms of gas compression in the intestines and what is the symptom of constant gas removal in this article, where you can find answers to many questions, you will also be able to find the necessary information about intestinal gas treatment.
What is Intestinal Gas?
Intestinal bacteria that ferment consumed food and swallowed air can cause gas formation in the stomach and intestines. If the amount of gas is excessive, the best solution to the intestinal gas complaint that occurs will of course be to “take out” the gas. However, due to social pressure, people avoid “gassing out” and contract themselves. This is an option that will bring with it a rather big problem, because. With the accumulated gas causing cramps and pains, the feeling of gassing out will become even more imperative, which of course is a situation that none of us want.
It is worth looking at the possible causes of intestinal gas, which can occur anywhere.
Following the absorption of the eaten food, “stool” is produced by the body and transmitted to the large intestine to be excreted. However, if the ”stool" is not removed from the body, there is also a slowdown in bowel movements, which leads to an even greater accumulation of gas in the intestines. The problem of constipation, which manifests itself as pain and bloating in the lower abdomen, causes gas problems.
If you do not abandon the eating habits that can cause food indigestion, you will have to constantly struggle with intestinal gas. For example, if you have lactose intolerance and you eat and drink something that will trigger this intolerance, of course, cramps begin in your lower abdomen and the problem of gas occurs. Indigestion and intestinal gas problems can also be seen in many patients who experience stomach diseases.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease, which causes digestive problems in the small intestine, occurs in people who are sensitive to gluten. If the Gluten protein found in barley, wheat and rye is taken, bloating and gas problems will occur in the intestines.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The biggest symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, which is brought about by irregularities experienced in the intestines, is known as “defecation disorders in the body and “intestinal gas”. As a result of the phenomenon of irritable bowel syndrome, which varies according to diarrhea or constipation, intestinal gas complaints are definitely experienced.
Inflammation Of The Intestine
Bacteria that cause intestinal inflammation, especially Salmonella and Ecoli, can cause gas formation in the stomach and intestines. A complaint of “intestinal gas” is also observed in intestinal inflammation, which has symptoms such as nausea, weakness, diarrhea and fever.
How is Intestinal Gas Treated?
Nowadays, “intestinal gas”, which appears as a symptom of many diseases and inflammation, can negatively affect a person's life. Therefore, with intestinal gas, which is on the list of problems that need to be treated, the gastroenterology department deals. Treatment of intestinal gas, which can be observed in all diseases of the lower and upper digestive system, especially celiac disease, can be performed only and only after learning the cause of its occurrence. Rather than prescribing intestinal gas remover medication, your doctor should determine the factor that causes intestinal gas and, according to his determination, transfer the treatment option to you.
If you are complaining of endless intestinal gas and you have many complaints with it, Dr. You can make an appointment with Meral Sözen and start the treatment that will save you from the “intestinal gas” complaint in a short time.