Intestinal problems, which are a symptom of many diseases today, can also appear as a disease in itself. Inflammatory, that is, inflammatory bowel disease, is also a disease that can be confused with other diseases and can reach dimensions that will seriously negatively affect a person's life. In these diseases, which are accompanied by exacerbations and subsides, a person's routine habits are also disrupted and he has problems both in a social sense and in a psychological sense. Ankara Dr. who serves you in the field of inflammatory bowel disease. Meral Sözen; what is inflammatory bowel disease, what are the symptoms and causes, what treatment options are used in this article, where he gives answers to questions such as inflammatory bowel disease, will be able to allow you to look at inflammatory bowel disease from another perspective.
What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Intestinal diseases can sometimes occur with tolerable symptoms, while sometimes they bother a person with unbearable and painful symptoms. Inflammation of the digestive tract, which can be characterized by chronic inflammation, in intestinal disease, malabsorption and associated complaints occur due to damage to the intestinal wall.
The digestive system, which allows the food taken from the external environment to be taken into the body through certain stages; sometimes it is difficult to perform the barrier task it needs to do as a result of infections and consumption of certain chemical substances. We can explain inflammation as a reaction or response of the immune system, which works intertwined with the digestive system, which serves to protect us from infections and external factors. Inflammation, which is part of the defense, can also show the same reaction to substances harmless to the body from time to time and begin to act uncontrollably on bacteria. This, in turn, causes inflammation of the digestive tract, swelling and thickening of the tissue. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, fever, weight loss and bloody diarrhea develop. The fact that these symptoms persist for a long time indicates the presence of inflammatory bowel disease.
What are the Causes of Inflammatory (Inflammatory) Bowel Disease?
Although there is no single cause of inflammatory bowel disease, which is common in Western societies, the causes are usually indirect. inflammatory bowel disease, which begins at the age of 20 to 40 years, the digestive tracts are negatively affected due to many factors. In inflammatory bowel disease, in which genetic, environmental and infectious factors are highly effective, the immune system is triggered and an inflammatory reaction that will continue uncontrollably in the intestinal wall begins.
The immune system and psychological factors play an active role in the genetic coding of inflammatory inflammatory bowel disease is important. People with inflammatory bowel disease in their family are more likely to have inflammatory bowel disease (20-30%). The disease usually begins with the constant exposure of the intestines to external factors.
What Are the Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
During the gradual increase of exacerbations, the body gives many symptoms. These symptoms can sometimes occur in the silent period, as well as in symptoms that are not common. Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, which are known to be effective in exacerbations of emotional stress, infections and other acute diseases, include cramping pain, bloody diarrhea and anemia Dec.
Pregnancy, antibiotics, and steroids and anti-inflammatory medication such as sudden discontinuation of the “short-term” actions as a result of the inflammation developing bowel disease, short-term therapy should receive lifelong treatment with the patient's recovery may be in a trend that may continue as long as a family disease.
Symptoms with a High Incidence of Exacerbation;
- Constant desire to go to the toilet
- Weight loss
- Mucus in the stool
- Joint pain
- It is known as growth retardation in children.
What Are the Possible Complications of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
- Bleeding
- Adhesions and blockages
- Fistulas
- Toxic megacolon
- Habaset (cancer development)
A Doctor Who Treats Inflammatory Bowel Disease. With Meral Sözen, Your Intestinal Complaints Can End Later
The patient's history is of great importance with this disease. Clear identification of exacerbations and Decelerations and linking the symptoms with these periods are among the important details for diagnosis. Stool examination, complete blood count, sedimentation, endoscope, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease will play an important role in examinations for other chronic diseases.
There are many ways to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease. However, the treatment will also be shaped according to the problems in the intestine and the patient's complaints. With drug therapy, suppressing the inflammatory process and preparing the ground for the healing of intestinal tissue is the first thing to do. The treatment started with the mildest drug is continued by increasing the dose even more if the drug is insufficient. Because, Aminosalicylates(sulfasalazine) and symptomatic agents (diarrhea drugs, spasm-dissolving drugs, etc.) are among the first-line drugs. Dec. Also, antibiotics, cortisone, drugs that suppress the immune system can be used in the treatment. If the patient has complications, the surgical treatment option may be considered with surgeons.
Dr . Do you want to end your inflammatory bowel disease that you have been complaining about for years with Meral Sözen and return to your old life that you miss? Then, call us and make an appointment right now!