Constipation, which can negatively affect the daily routine and psychology, is a fairly common ailment in Turkey. A state of constipation that develops due to many factors, if it progresses, a breech tear, etc. it can lead to such complaints. The problem of constipation, in which genetic factors are quite effective, is more common in women than in men. Ankara Dr., who is considered one of the doctors who treat constipation. Dec. From Meral Sözen, you will be able to get answers to many questions such as what constipation is, why it occurs, what are the symptoms, what diseases constipation causes and how to treat it, and you will be able to access information about constipation tests from this article.
What is Constipation?
Constipation, which means that bowel movements are more or less difficult than normal, is a condition in which people feel discomfort due to the absence of defecation for more than 3 days. While it is normal for constipation to be seen acutely as a result of many bacteria entering the body or intestines, constipation complaints that last for long weeks or even months can be counted as problems that must be solved.
Although the functioning of the intestines and the duration of defecation vary from person to person, the frequency of going to the toilet between 3 times a day and 3 times a fortnight is considered normal Decoupling frequency
What are the Symptoms and Causes of Constipation?
Difficulty in bowel movements and the feeling of not being able to Decant completely are among the biggest symptoms of constipation discomfort. Other symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal swelling, little stool appear and negatively affect the person psychologically and sociologically.
Although the causes of constipation vary from person to person, we can generally count the use of medications and incorrect eating habits as 90% of the reasons. In addition to these, many factors such as irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson's disease, insufficient water consumption, pregnancy and hemorrhoids can also be counted as October causes of constipation. Insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland is also considered one of the causes of constipation, and it is unlikely that constipation can be eliminated without treatment. Decongestants are also considered to be the most common causes of constipation.
- Mistakes made in dieting
- Strictures / blockages in the colon or rectum area
- Abnormal conditions of the nerves around the colon
- Functional disorders in the muscles November responsible for defecation
- Diabetes and other hormonal diseases are the most effective causes of constipation.
What Diseases Does the Progression of Constipation Lead to?
Many reasons such as improper diet, diabetes, inactivity, which are increasingly increasing today, play an important role in the progression of constipation. At first, a person who “forcibly” goes to the toilet 1 in 3-4 days has an “inability to defecate” problem for up to 1 week, and this is a condition that indicates the progression of constipation.
Constipation causes tears to form in the anus area, as well as causes an increase in hemorrhoidal complaints. Along with the treatment of constipation, these diseases also show improvement. But untreated constipation can enter a vicious circle in the form of an increase in the disease in these diseases, an increase in the disease, an even greater increase in constipation. Sometimes constipation can also be a symptom of bowel cancer.
How Is Constipation Diagnosed?
Although diagnosing constipation is not a difficult process, it may take a certain amount of time for a definitive diagnosis to be made, as it requires a detailed examination. For example, since conditions such as ulcerative colitis can also cause constipation, it is first necessary to determine whether constipation is temporary or chronic. If you are having a “can't defecate” problem for 1 week or more and you always feel bloated, you should definitely go to the doctor and investigate the underlying causes of your constipation. Your doctor will be able to make a clear diagnosis after examining your large and small intestines by performing a colonoscopy or endoscopy, if necessary, in the light of the questions and examinations he has asked you. In addition, radiology-assisted tests for bowel function can help to find the cause of constipation. Evaluation November The evaluation of the working order of the breech muscles with the tests we call manometry is also among the diagnostic tests Dec.
How is Constipation Treatment Performed in Ankara?
In diagnosed constipation, drug treatment and diet programs are usually applied. This condition that applies to chronic constipation, of course, does not have to apply to temporary, that is, acute constipation. If it is constipation caused by something you eat or a medication you use, you can get rid of constipation with treatment and/or diet regulation. However, if you have had constipation problems for at least more than 1 month, you will be advised by your doctor to consume fibrous foods and stay away from foods that cause constipation at the beginning of your treatment. With exercises to accelerate your bowel movements and the use of medications, constipation complaints can be easily treated without turning into diseases. In patients with problems related to the working order of the November muscles, treatment is possible with therapy programs.
Dr . By applying to Meral Sözen, you can also find the “best” solutions to your constipation complaint and get rid of your “constipation” problem in a short time.