The condition we call constipation is that the defecation time is less than three times a week and, in addition, there is difficulty during defecation. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom. There may be functional causes associated with changes in bowel movements, as well as be part of a complex of diseases. Conditions that cause intestinal obstruction, painful defecation that can cause diseases, metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, or medications that are used for any reason, can also cause constipation.
What Are the Causes of Constipation
The most common cause of constipation is functional disorders, which is a condition in which the order of defecation is disturbed due to the working order of the intestine.
Irritable bowel disease, anorectal dyssynergic disorders are the most common conditions we encounter in this group.
Irritable bowel syndrome is an intestinal disorder that is accompanied by pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation problems. It often causes the patient to have difficulties in social life. To establish this diagnosis in patients, it is necessary to exclude other intestinal diseases. The main problem here is the change in the sensitivity of the nervous system that governs the intestines. When making a diagnosis, the fact that blood tests are normal, the colonoscopic examination is ‘normal’ leads us to this disease. Treatment should be long-term. Stress, travel make the life of these patients more difficult than usual. It can be seen in combination with other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract ( such as celiac disease). Some patients may express that their complaints decrease with a gluten-free diet. Probiotic and prebiotic support can also relieve patients.
November November Decongestion Anorectal dyssynergy is a condition in which the balance between the work of the intestinal muscles and the work of the sphincter muscles is disturbed during the patient's exit to the toilet. Here, the problem is easily detected with endoscopic and manometric examinations, and good results are usually obtained with biofeedback treatment. Biofeedback application is a very unknown method among the public and is becoming increasingly widespread. Decontamination of biofeedback is a very common method among the public. In the treatment, the patient learns to use the sphincter muscles in a voluntary November. The response to treatment is very good.
They are patients with diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal diseases, electrolyte disorders such as calcium excess or potassium deficiency, as well as chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency. In patients with Type 2 diabetes, the gastrointestinal tract also receives its share of the condition caused by a sugar disorder called neuropathy, which can also occur from the beginning, affecting the nerves. In these patients, in addition to sugar control, the gastrointestinal tract should also be checked and supportive treatment should be given for this purpose. A serious slowdown in metabolism in hypothyroidism also slows down the digestive system. In patients with renal insufficiency, fluid restriction and the retention of substances in the blood that need to be excreted in higher doses deepen the problem. In patients with liver failure, a change in the number of intestinal bacteria along with constipation can lead to progression of the disease and falling into a coma.
The medications we use due to other diseases may be the cause of constipation. The list of medicines here is quite fluffy. Medications used for high blood pressure, antidepressants, medications used for diseases of the nervous system, iron preparations used to treat iron deficiency, Decanted antacids for stomach complaints can be counted among them.
A cause of constipation that is less common than other causes, but which we are most afraid of in society, is colon cancer, which is a condition in which we need to hurry to diagnose. It is a condition that is usually seen over middle age. Complaints differ depending on the location of the location in the intestine. But constipation is one of the prominent findings in cancers that occur near the exit of the intestines. Treatment is usually surgical.
Apart from these, there may be short-term bowel habit changes. An example of these is the constipation situation we experienced on the trip. Usually, water consumption is reduced during trips, eating habits change, and besides, the need to defecate is constantly postponed in search of a clean toilet. Jul. All these are factors that increase constipation.
How Should The Lifestyle And Nutrition Pattern Be In Patients With Constipation Problems?
Lifestyle regulation takes the largest share in the treatment of constipation. Especially in summer, water consumption should be given importance. Because sweating also increases fluid loss, the body tends to protect itself and make urine more concentrated, reducing the amount of fluid excreted in the gayta. This surum reduces the slipperiness of the gayta.
Attention should be paid to the consumption of high-fiber foods and vegetables. Foods with a high fiber content are, respectively, from high to low: Wheat bran, oat bran, legumes( especially dried beans), plums, dates, spinach and peas. Wheat bran is one of the most effective fiber laxatives, it contains insoluble fibers and retains water in the intestine. Unlike insoluble wheat bran, the fibers in legumes and fruits increase the number of bacteria in the large intestine, increasing the gayta mass. Of the fiber contained in cereals, it is enough to take 30 grams per day. Along with this, it is recommended to take 2 liters of fluid per day. If the consumption of fibrous food is insufficient, the consumption of fiber food in higher amounts than one is not appropriate. Because there may be a complaint of bloating directly when a high amount of fibrous food is started. In addition, the consumption of fruits containing sorbitol and fructose sugar, such as apricots, plums, apples, peaches, cherries, raisins, also reduces constipation by providing water retention in the lumen. With the increasing consumption of fast food in society, the frequency of constipation also increases. Skipping meals is a factor that increases the occurrence of constipation, especially when postponing or skipping breakfast, so breakfasts that contain some kind are very important. As a Russian proverb says, “Eat your breakfast like kings in the morning, share lunch with your friend, give dinner to your enemy." Because the time when the metabolism works the fastest is in the morning hours. Energy is needed for movement during the day. After lunch, the pace drops a little more, we spend less energy, and in the evening, the body signals fatigue, we move less, and it is important for digestion that the content of dinner is light. After meals, what we call the gastrocolic reflex begins. In other words, when food enters the stomach, the stomach sends a signal to the small intestines to start working ... this signal is transmitted forward like a wave in the sea. That's why we recommend that patients with constipation meet our toilet needs after breakfast. Comfort is important for everyone. It is not easy to provide this comfort in a toilet outside the home. Another situation is the concept of alaturka / alafranga toilet ... Easy operation of bowel movements is more comfortable in alaturka toilets. Because; in the squatting position, the intestine passes from a curved state into a straight pipe and empties more easily. However, this may not always be possible, in this case, a small stool placed in front of the toilet bowl also makes our job easier. Another problem is that while you need to go to the toilet, taking care of something else, such as reading newspapers/ books, dealing with a mobile phone ... Focusing on the work done and not staying in the toilet for a long time reduces the problem of constipation.
Despite these lifestyle arrangements, medical treatment options come into play if there is no response. In this case, the doctor and the patient should plan treatment together, the treatment should be individualized.